3 Simple Tips For Staying Fit With NOSSK While You Travel

Vintage Car - Travel

Many of us travel at least several times a year for vacation, while many of us have to travel for work. One of the biggest challenges of traveling, whether for work or pleasure, is finding the time to fit in a workout in a busy travel schedule. The good news is that we can keep up with our fitness goals while traveling. I recommend a few things to help you ensure that your fitness does not suffer while traveling. Below are my recommendations:

  1. Stay Hydrated

While traveling, it is common for many of us to find ourselves drinking less water than we would under normal circumstances. An interesting fact that many of us may not be aware of is that drinking enough liquids is essential to staying hydrated and that drinking enough fluids, especially water, during the day helps us avoid overeating while traveling. I have even found that drinking enough water during the day helps me to fall asleep and stay asleep better.  

I know only too well the urge to splurge and loosen the diet a bit when traveling. My family and I often find that any good intention of eating a healthy diet quickly goes out the door while traveling. It's just human nature. Have you ever dug into your snacks as soon as you hit the car as you begin your travels? I don't know what it is, but traveling somehow gives us a psychological okay to overdo it a bit in the eating department. Because of this tendency, my family and I joke that our snacks are often gone before we reach our destination. Can anyone else relate?

Even after we reach our travel destination, it is often difficult to pass up on trying the cuisine of the place we are visiting, and we tend to be more lax in general with our food choices. Many of you may not be aware that studies clearly show that staying hydrated helps us not get hungry as fast because drinking lots of fluid gives us a sensation of being fuller and helps us avoid snacking. So make sure you have plenty of water with you as you travel. An added benefit is that you'll be glowing for those close-ups and selfies you are bound to post during your travels since drinking plenty of water tends to be a good thing for your skin's complexion.

  1. Bypass the Elevator

Take the stairs instead. Since our boys were young, my husband would make it a game to see whether or not we could beat others up to the room while taking the stairs instead of the elevator. This is not just a fun thing to do, but in the long run, it will be beneficial to keeping you on track with your fitness while traveling.

I know it is tempting to waltz into the hotel lobby and hit that button that will zip you up to your room, but just taking the stairs will help you get a little bit of movement in your day and help you burn extra calories which, as a result, will allow you to remain consistent with your fitness goals while traveling.

  1. Don't Forget to Pack Your NOSSK

The excuse that you don't have a gym nearby to work out quickly disappears when you remember to pack your NOSSK Trainer. The beauty of NOSSK Equipment is that they are lightweight enough to pack in your check-in and practical enough to pull out and use pretty much any time and any place. And there is no need to try to fit an hour into your busy travel schedule to work out. The great thing is that fifteen to twenty minutes a day is all you really need during travel time to get a good, solid full-body workout in. Even if you do not have a NOSSK, you can choose exercises that allow you to work with your body weight completely equipment -free. A combo of squats, abs, and pushups provides a quick full body workout.

Author: Nadia Ott

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

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